Sam Rowlands, Member of the Welsh Parliament for North Wales, is backing a call for Post Office operators to have their say on working with the Post Office, providing crucial evidence for the Inquiry into the Horizon scandal.
Post Office operators in North Wales are being urged to share their experiences of working with the Post Office to provide crucial evidence for the Horizon IT Inquiry.
Mr Rowlands said:
The Horizon scandal has touched communities in North Wales and across the UK, and the impact continues to be felt today.
I encourage anyone in North Wales who has received these surveys to share their experiences and contribute to this important research.
The Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry is an independent public inquiry investigating failings surrounding the Horizon IT system which led to the wrongful prosecution and conviction of sub-postmasters.
Up to 16,000 people across the UK have been contacted by independent research and data analytics firm, YouGov, on behalf of the Inquiry, to anonymously share their experiences of the Post Office.
Every current sub-postmaster in the UK will be asked about their experience working with the Post Office, and applicants under the Post Office’s in-house compensation scheme (the Horizon Shortfall Scheme) will be asked about their experiences of this process.
Findings of the two surveys will be presented as evidence during the Inquiry’s final phase, Phase 7, and will inform Inquiry Chair, Sir Wyn Williams’ findings and recommendations.
The surveys are running until Friday 9th August. If any of your constituents have questions about the survey, they can contact the Inquiry Secretariat at
UK Parliamentary data published earlier this year shows that there are over 952 post offices in Wales as of March 2023. Some of these are crown post offices, however the vast majority are owned by sub-postmasters who will receive the survey.
Announcing the survey, Sir Wyn Williams said:
Human stories are at the heart of this Inquiry. As will be obvious by now, and as I have said from time to time, I have been deeply affected by the accounts of hardship and suffering endured by many.
I urge all those who are contacted to complete the surveys, and I offer my heartfelt thanks now to all those who take the time and trouble to do so.
Those eligible to take part in the surveys have been contacted via email. Respondents contribute their experiences anonymously and can do so online, or over the phone for those who need reasonable adjustments.
Sam Rowlands AS yn galw ar weithredwyr swyddfeydd post yn y Gogledd i rannu eu profiadau ar gyfer Ymchwiliad Horizon
Mae Sam Rowlands, yr Aelod o’r Senedd dros y Gogledd, yn cefnogi galwad ar weithredwyr Swyddfa'r Post i ddweud eu dweud ar weithio gyda Swyddfa'r Post, gan ddarparu tystiolaeth hanfodol ar gyfer yr Ymchwiliad i sgandal Horizon.
Mae gweithredwyr Swyddfa'r Post yn y Gogledd yn cael eu hannog i rannu eu profiadau o weithio gyda Swyddfa'r Post i ddarparu tystiolaeth hanfodol ar gyfer Ymchwiliad TG Horizon.
Meddai Mr Rowlands:
Mae sgandal Horizon wedi cyffwrdd â chymunedau yn y Gogledd a ledled y DU, ac mae'r effaith yn parhau i gael ei theimlo hyd heddiw.
Rwy'n annog unrhyw un yn y Gogledd sydd wedi derbyn yr arolygon hyn i rannu eu profiadau a chyfrannu at yr ymchwil pwysig hwn.
Mae Ymchwiliad TG Horizon Swyddfa'r Post yn ymchwiliad cyhoeddus annibynnol sy'n ymchwilio i fethiannau cysylltiedig â system TG Horizon a arweiniodd at erlyn ac euogfarnu is-bostfeistri ar gam.
Mae cwmni ymchwil annibynnol a dadansoddi data, YouGov, wedi cysylltu â hyd at 16,000 o bobl ledled y DU ar ran yr Ymchwiliad, gan ofyn iddynt rannu eu profiadau o Swyddfa'r Post yn ddienw.
Gofynnir i bob is-bostfeistr presennol yn y DU am eu profiad o weithio gyda Swyddfa'r Post, a gofynnir i ymgeiswyr o dan gynllun iawndal mewnol Swyddfa'r Post (Cynllun Diffyg Horizon) ynglŷn â’u profiadau o'r broses hon.
Bydd canfyddiadau'r ddau arolwg yn cael eu cyflwyno fel tystiolaeth yn ystod cam olaf yr Ymchwiliad, Cam 7, a byddant yn llywio canfyddiadau ac argymhellion Cadeirydd yr Ymchwiliad, Syr Wyn Williams.
Cynhelir yr arolygon hyd ddydd Gwener 9 Awst. Os oes gan unrhyw un o'ch etholwyr gwestiynau am yr arolwg, gallant gysylltu ag Ysgrifenyddiaeth yr Ymchwiliad yn
Mae data Seneddol y DU a gyhoeddwyd yn gynharach eleni yn dangos bod dros 952 o swyddfeydd post yng Nghymru ym mis Mawrth 2023. Mae rhai o'r rhain yn swyddfeydd post y goron, ond mae'r mwyafrif helaeth yn eiddo i is-bostfeistri a fydd yn derbyn yr arolwg.
Wrth gyhoeddi'r arolwg, dywedodd Syr Wyn Williams:
Straeon dynol sydd wrth wraidd yr Ymchwiliad hwn. Fel y bydd yn amlwg erbyn hyn, ac fel y dywedais lawer gwaith, mae’r hanesion o galedi a dioddefaint a ddaeth i ran cynifer wedi cael effaith fawr iawn arna i.
Rwy'n annog pawb y cysylltir â nhw i gwblhau'r arolygon, ac rydw i am ddiolch o galon i bawb sy’n rhoi o’u hamser ac yn mynd i drafferth i wneud hynny.
Cysylltwyd â'r rhai sy'n gymwys i gymryd rhan yn yr arolygon drwy e-bost. Mae ymatebwyr yn cyfrannu eu profiadau yn ddienw a gallant wneud hynny ar-lein, neu dros y ffôn i'r rhai sydd angen addasiadau rhesymol.