Health has been one of the big national news stories over the last week or so. Waiting list statistics have been in the papers across Wales and the rest of the United Kingdom, and the numbers are pretty shocking.
In Wales, more than 73,000 people are waiting 18 months or longer for treatment, and 1 in 4 of the Welsh population are on an NHS waiting list compared to 1 in 8 of the English population.
For my constituents In Wrexham and Flintshire, indeed across the whole of North Wales it is particularly bad thanks to the complete mismanagement of the Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board which is deep in special measures.
The Labour-run Welsh Government has controlled the NHS in Wales since 1999, and these statistics show the stark outcomes of that. We know there are healthcare issues across the UK, but Wales is seriously lagging compared to other health systems in Britain.
To that end, the UK Health Secretary wrote to the Welsh Government offering support for patients who are waiting a long time for treatment. I do hope Labour Ministers in Cardiff will accept this offer of support to help get these horrendous waiting lists down, which have been stubbornly high for quite some time.
In England, they have implemented policies such as surgical hubs which have reduced pressures on other parts of the NHS in England – the Welsh Government refuse to do this in Wales.
Remember, Labour in Wales are the only government in the UK to have ever cut an NHS budget – not the Conservatives in Westminster or even the Scottish National Party in Edinburgh. Throw into the equation the constant waste of money on pet projects like £100 million on putting 36 more politicians in the Cardiff Welsh Parliament, and the poor healthcare outcomes start to make sense.
If you have any queries or issues, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can contact me by emailing [email protected] or calling on 0300 200 7267.
Fy marn i - The Leader
Iechyd oedd un o'r straeon newyddion cenedlaethol mawr dros yr wythnos ddiwethaf. Mae papurau newydd Cymru a gweddill y DU wedi tynnu sylw at yr ystadegau rhestrau aros, ac mae'r niferoedd yn frawychus a dweud y lleiaf.
Yng Nghymru, mae mwy na 73,000 o bobl yn aros 18 mis neu fwy am driniaeth, ac mae 1 o bob 4 o boblogaeth Cymru ar restr aros y GIG o'i gymharu ag 1 o bob 8 o boblogaeth Lloegr.
I'm hetholwyr yn Wrecsam a Sir y Fflint, yn wir ar draws y Gogledd i gyd, mae'r sefyllfa'n arbennig o wael diolch i gamreolaeth lwyr Bwrdd Iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr sy'n ddwfn mewn mesurau arbennig.
Mae Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru wedi rheoli'r GIG yng Nghymru ers 1999, ac mae'r ystadegau hyn yn dangos canlyniadau amlwg hynny. Rydyn ni'n gwybod bod problemau gofal iechyd ledled y DU, ond mae Cymru ar ei hôl hi o ddifrif o gymharu â systemau iechyd eraill Prydain.
I'r perwyl hwnnw, ysgrifennodd Ysgrifennydd Iechyd y DU at Lywodraeth Cymru yn cynnig cymorth i gleifion sy'n aros am amser hir am driniaeth. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y Gweinidogion Llafur yng Nghaerdydd yn derbyn y cynnig hwn o gymorth i helpu i leihau'r amseroedd aros ofnadwy hyn sydd wedi bod yn 'styfnig o uchel ers cryn amser.
Yn Lloegr, maen nhw wedi gweithredu polisïau fel hybiau llawfeddygol sydd wedi lleihau'r pwysau ar rannau eraill o'r GIG yn Lloegr - mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n gwrthod gwneud hyn yng Nghymru.
Cofiwch, Llafur yng Nghymru yw'r unig lywodraeth yn y DU i dorri cyllideb GIG erioed – nid y Ceidwadwyr yn San Steffan na hyd yn oed yr SNP yng Nghaeredin. Ychwanegwch wastraff arian cyson ar eu hoff brosiectau fel £100 miliwn ar 36 yn fwy o wleidyddion yn Senedd Cymru, ac mae'r canlyniadau gofal iechyd gwael yn dechrau gwneud synnwyr.
Os oes gennych chi unrhyw gwestiynau, mae croeso i chi gysylltu. Gallwch gysylltu â mi drwy e-bostio [email protected] neu ffonio 0300 200 7267.