It has been a busy time for parents.
Following the A-level results, we have now had the GCSE results. My children aren’t at those ages yet, but I can imagine how stressful it is for parents and children alike.
There will be many people delighted with their results and university places, and I warmly congratulate you. Exam results are important, but it’s fair to say they aren’t necessarily the be all and end all.
Indeed, I would suggest that for many people there can be far better paths through life than the academic route.
I should know, as I didn’t go to university and instead went straight into the world of work and picked up a degree later on in life. These days, there are many options for young people. There are a huge number of vocational courses that people can take, and lots of apprenticeships.
Wales and the United Kingdom are in desperate need of more individuals with these useful practical skills. For example, bricklayers, masons, carpenters, joiners and roof tilers are just five of the jobs currently on the UK Government’s skilled Worker shortage occupations list. If you are qualified in areas such as this, then your skills will be in high demand.
If you are going to university, then I wish you the best of luck. One of our very own institutions of higher education, Wrexham University, was recently ranked the top university in Wales for teaching in this year’s National Student Survey. In terms of results, the Nursing, Applied Art, Physiotherapy and Forensic Science courses have all received particular acclaim, being ranked number one in the UK.
This is a great boost for the city and the area, and Wrexham will be welcoming more people from around the UK, and the world, come September and beyond. The university continues to go from strength to strength and is quite clearly a popular place to study.
It is great to see students from across the UK voting for Wrexham. The city itself is continues to be a destination favourite with visitors, with a little help from Wrexham AFC, and it really is great to see the university being rated so highly by those studying there.
On the latest edition of The Times/Sunday Times Good University Guide, teaching at Wrexham University was ranked in the top 10 out of all universities across the UK, which is an excellent achievement. I would like to congratulate everyone at the university for all their hard work and for helping to put the place firmly on the higher education map.
Wrexham University has been ranked the top university in Wales for teaching in this year’s National Student Survey. Staff and students from across the university are also celebrating as a number of subject areas have received outstanding results, being ranked first in the UK in a number of sections, including: Nursing; Creative Art and Design; Physiotherapy and Forensic and Archaeological Sciences.
As ever, if you have any queries or issues, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can contact me by emailing or calling on 0300 200 7267.
Fy marn i - The Leader
Mae wedi bod yn gyfnod prysur i rieni.
Yn dilyn y canlyniadau Safon Uwch, rydyn ni bellach wedi cael y canlyniadau TGAU. Dyw fy mhlant heb gyrraedd yr oedran yna eto, ond gallaf ddychmygu cymaint o straen sydd ar rieni a phlant.
Bydd llawer o bobl wrth eu bodd gyda'u canlyniadau a'u lleoedd prifysgol, a llongyfarchiadau mawr i chi. Mae canlyniadau arholiadau yn bwysig, ond mae'n deg dweud nad ydyn nhw o reidrwydd yn golygu pob dim.
Yn wir, mae’n deg awgrymu bod llwybrau llawer gwell mewn bywyd i lawer o bobl na'r llwybr academaidd.
Dylwn wybod, gan fy mod wedi mynd yn syth i weithio yn hytrach nag i’r brifysgol a graddio’n ddiweddarach. Erbyn heddiw, mae llawer o gyfleoedd i bobl ifanc. Mae nifer enfawr o gyrsiau galwedigaethol y gall pobl eu dilyn, a llawer o brentisiaethau.
Mae gwir angen mwy o unigolion â sgiliau ymarferol a defnyddiol yng Nghymru a'r Deyrnas Unedig. Er enghraifft, bricwyr, seiri maen, seiri coed, seiri a theilswyr yw pump o'r swyddi sydd ar restr Llywodraeth y DU o’r galwedigaethau gweithwyr medrus lle mae prinder ar hyn o bryd. Os oes gennych chi gymwysterau mewn meysydd fel hyn, yna bydd galw mawr am eich sgiliau.
Pob lwc i chi os ydych chi'n mynd i'r brifysgol. Yn ddiweddar, cafodd un o'n sefydliadau addysg uwch ein hunain, Prifysgol Wrecsam, ei rhestru fel y brifysgol orau yng Nghymru am addysgu yn yr Arolwg Cenedlaethol o Fyfyrwyr. O ran canlyniadau, mae'r cyrsiau Nyrsio, Celf Gymhwysol, Ffisiotherapi a Gwyddoniaeth Fforensig i gyd wedi derbyn clod penodol, gan gael eu rhestru fel y goreuon yn y DU.
Mae hyn yn hwb mawr i'r ddinas ac i’r ardal, a bydd Wrecsam yn croesawu mwy o bobl o bob cwr o'r DU, a'r byd, ym mis Medi a thu hwnt. Mae'r brifysgol yn parhau i fynd o nerth i nerth ac yn amlwg yn lle poblogaidd i astudio.
Mae'n wych gweld myfyrwyr o bob rhan o'r DU yn pleidleisio dros Wrecsam. Mae'r ddinas ei hun yn parhau i fod yn gyrchfan boblogaidd ymysg ymwelwyr, gyda Chlwb Pêl-droed Wrecsam yn dipyn o atynfa, ac mae'n wych gweld y brifysgol yn cael ei graddio mor uchel gan y rhai sy'n astudio yno.
Yn rhifyn diweddaraf The Times/Sunday Times Good University Guide, roedd yr addysgu ym Mhrifysgol Wrecsam ymhlith y 10 uchaf o'r holl brifysgolion ledled y DU, sy'n gamp aruthrol. Hoffwn longyfarch pawb yn y brifysgol am eu holl waith caled ac am helpu i roi Wrecsam ar y map o ran addysg uwch.
Mae Prifysgol Wrecsam wedi cael ei rhestru fel y brifysgol orau yng Nghymru am addysgu yn yr Arolwg Cenedlaethol o Fyfyrwyr eleni. Mae staff a myfyrwyr o bob rhan o'r brifysgol hefyd yn dathlu gan fod nifer o feysydd pwnc wedi cael canlyniadau rhagorol, gan gyrraedd y brig yn y DU mewn nifer o adrannau, gan gynnwys: Nyrsio; Celf a Dylunio Creadigol; Ffisiotherapi a Gwyddorau Fforensig ac Archeolegol.
Fel arfer, os oes gennych chi unrhyw ymholiadau neu broblemau, mae croeso i chi gysylltu. Gallwch gysylltu â mi drwy e-bostio neu ffonio 0300 200 7267.