NHS Survey

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The Welsh Government is responsible for running the NHS in Wales.  I am regularly contacted about NHS services in North Wales and would like your feedback - please complete my survey below 👇

NHS Survey

  • Current Your views
  • Your details
1. Thinking about a wait for an ambulance within the last two years for either you, a family member or a friend, were you satisfied with the response time?
2. Have you, a family member or a friend been able to access NHS dentistry within the last two years?
3. Have you, a family member or a friend been able to access a GP's appointment within the last two years?
4. The Welsh Government have introduced the default 20mph speed limit to make roads safer and reduce the burden on the NHS. Do you believe that the 20mph speed limit is an effective way to support the NHS?
5. Thinking about a visit to A&E within the last two years for either you, a family member or a friend, were you satisfied with the experience?
6. On a scale of 1-10, where 1 is very dissatisfied and 10 is very satisfied, how satisfied are you with health services in North Wales?
7. Have you, a family member or a friend been on a NHS waiting list within the last two years? If so, how long was your wait for treatment?
9. Which three of the following Welsh Government responsibilities do you think should be prioritised?